Special Section on 'Soil amendments and crop productivity' - Invitation


We are happy to invite you to submit a paper for a Special Section on "Soil amendments and crop productivity" in Plant Science Today. Both Research and Review papers are welcome for possible publication in this section. [Download Invitation PDF]

This special section is being edited by:

Dr. Bhupinder Dhir
Department of Genetics
University of Delhi
South Campus
New Delhi-110021, India

The topics of interest for this section include:

  1. Supplementation of various biofertilizers in soil and changes in plant growth
  2. Biofertilizers and agricultural productivity
  3. Comparison of plant growth using conventional soil supplements and biofertilizers
  4. Organic soil supplements and plant nutrient status
  5. Use of biopesticides in altering crop productivity

The due-date for submissions is 30th November 2015, and the target publishing date is 1st January 2016.

You may submit your paper by e-mail at bhupdhir@gmail.com or online. Please specify the title of the special section (Soil amendments and crop productivity) in the subject if you submit by E- mail or in the cover letter if you submit online. 

Benefits of the special section

Contributors/authors: On special consideration, the publication fee for accepted articles in the special section is reduced to: US$100. Authors are requested to pay this fee only upon acceptance of the article. Our fee waiver policy offers to waive or further reduce the publication fees for authors who cannot pay the full amount charged for publication, remains in effect. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work. 

Terms and Conditions

  • A Special Section should contain 6-8 articles and each article is restricted to maximum of 6000-7000 words.
  • First round of screening of the submitted manuscript will be carried out by the Guest Editor. If found unsuitable for the special section, the authors will be advised to submit the manuscript as a standard research paper in Plant Science Today. If the articles are relevant for the Section, the Guest Editor will send the manuscript for peer review through journal's online submission processing system or using email.
  • No more than three articles for the Special Section should come from one institution.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. We would appreciate it if you could let us know at your earliest convenience (but no longer than three weeks please) whether or not you will be submitting a paper. We are looking forward to hear from you soon! [Download Invitation PDF]

With kind regards,

Dr. Bhupinder Dhir
Editor of the Special Section 

Mrs. Thripthi Krishna Mohan
Managing Editor
Plant Science Today
Horizon e-Publishing Group
Email: pst@horizonepublishing.com