A review on Genetic markers with special reference to Genetic Diversity of Four Economically Important Trees of Myrtaceae Family of Braj Region, India





Economic important trees, Molecular study, Myrtaceae, DNA marker, PCR, RAPDs


Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Byrnes, Psidium guajava L., Syzygium cumini L. and Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill are members of the Myrtaceae family and are found growing in various locations throughout the Districts of Agra and Mathura. Although some trees can be found in tropically dry and xeric locations, these trees are found in tropical and subtropical regions. These plants have significant medical value, are frequently used customarily in the Braj region, and contain high amounts of secondary metabolites and polyphenols that prevent the separation of plant DNA. DNA isolation is a method for purifying DNA from plant elements by integrating various chemical and physical techniques. For the investigation of plant genetic variation, DNA markers like PCR (RAPD, SSLP, and AFLP) are often used methods that only need a minimal amount of DNA material. The most widely used method for examining genetic diversity is RAPD analysis. RAPD is utilized for a variety of tasks, including gene mapping, genetic identification, and investigations involving closely related species. This database review's main goal is to provide extensive, essential genetic information, methods, and applications. Significant connections between the history of a plant species and the makeup of its current population can be found thanks to genetic diversity. Researchers may utilize this information in the future to manage, cultivate, and improve the breeding programme for these plant species.



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01-10-2023 — Updated on 22-02-2024




Review Articles