Comparative Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of two cultivars of Hordeum vulgare L.
Hordeum vulgare L, Fluoride stress, GC-MS, Poaceae, Abiotic, Nitric oxideAbstract
Hordeum vulgare L. is a multi-nutritional food grain crop of the Poaceae family. It is a significant staple crop in Asia with significant nutritional and commercial importance. It is possible to grow this plant under a number of abiotic conditions of stress, such as fluoride stress. The objective of the current study was to determine whether two chosen cultivars of Hordeum vulgare could endure or tolerate fluoride stress conditions by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The two H. vulgare cultivars’ seeds that were chosen, RD2786 and RD2794, were planted in pH-5 soil and allowed to mature for a month in clay pots. Different concentrations of fluoride (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 ppm) were added to the soil as supplements. Moreover, GC-MS was used to assess factors such as protein content and nitric oxide. Additional TLC analysis was carried out using a TLC sheet. As a result of free radical production, the cultivar RD2786 had higher total protein and nitric oxide scavenging enzyme (NOSA) activity than RD2794. Because of its osmoprotectant properties and ability to tolerate fluoride stress conditions, cultivar RD2786 of H. vulgare is therefore advised for farmers in fluoride-affected regions based on the results of this study.
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