Effect of auxin on in vitro rooting of the triploid Musa paradisiaca L. cv. Nendran (AAB)
Banana, in vitro, auxin, Musa, tissue cultureAbstract
Banana is an important fruit crops of the family Musaceae. Tissue culture multiplication of banana is now popular and preferred due to faster multiplication, uniformly and cost-effective production of healthy planting materials. The following work was take on to study the result of various concentrations of auxin (indole-3-butyric acid-IBA). Shoots derived from sucker explants after a series of multiplication (4 to 5), regenerated plants having 4.5 cm length were dissected out and rooted in different concentrations of auxin (IBA) (0.5 to 3.5 mg/L). Root production was started after 10 days of culture and the data taken after 20 days. From all the treatment tested all media concentrations produce roots at varied level with in a period of 15-20 days of culture. Media having concentrations of IBA were used to induce in vitro rooting in plantlets of Musa cv. Nendran after six sub cultures including elongation. The elongated shoots harvested from culture bottles were transferred to MS solid media supplemented with auxin IBA at varied concentrations. The root induction rate varied from one media concentration to another. The present study revealed that IBA (1.0 mg/L) was found to be most applicable hormone for root induction in sucker shoot tip explants of Musa cv. Nendran.
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