Bt corn growing information system in Cagayan Province, Philippines: An analysis for enhanced extension delivery service




Bt corn, Information source, Information system, Communication network, Total information score


The adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn gene has increased production and agricultural information exchange plays a vital role towards sustained production growth. The study examined the information system by assessing the usefulness of information, frequency of consultations and strength of information exchange in Bt corn production in Cagayan Province, Philippines. Using descriptive correlation design, it was revealed that both technical and economic information from all sources were rated useful. Technical information on seed variety, land preparation, weather forecast, soil management and fertilizer application are frequently utilized while on the economic information only current market prices was frequently used. Frequency of Consultation with personal information sources gained the highest mean value of 5.02 signifying a two to three times exchange of information. Public information sources obtained an average mean of 2.80 which means four or five times contact in a year. This reveals the gap between the corn growers and public information sources. For the mass media sources, both radio (4.56) and television (4.72) are frequently used at two to three times a month. Personal information sources showed strong (224.25 IS) exchange of information between and among the Bt corn growers which comprise their communication network. Total information scores from public and mass media information sources revealed weak exchange of information. The total information score is significantly correlated with membership to organization, years of membership, nature of membership, land ownership and position in the farm. Total information score from friends, radio and newspaper showed significant relationship with income. Thus, information exchange with friends, listening to radio and reading newspaper had a significant influence on the increase of corn growers’ income.


Author Biography

Cecilia H delos Trinos, College of Agriculture, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700 Philippines

Professor VI and the Director for Information Promotion and Public Relations Center at the Nueva Vizcaya State University


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How to Cite

Hernando-Valdez M, delos Trinos CH. Bt corn growing information system in Cagayan Province, Philippines: An analysis for enhanced extension delivery service. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 24];8(3):445–450. Available from:



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