What can I do if I forgot user name or password or both for my account?

Enter your account email address here and an email will be sent with instructions on how to reset your password.



I have submitted my manuscript in on [date]. The manuscript is still in submission stage. May I know why?

Submitted manuscript will be subjected to plagiarism check if it is within the scope of the PST journal. When the plagiarism is below 10%, it will be sent to a Section Editor (SE) for preliminary evaluation. An Editorial Assistant will be assigned for further processing, if the SE recommends the manuscript for peer review.

How long it needs after submission to get the artcle accepted?

Four to six months.

How long it needs after acceptance to get the artcle published?

Around one month.



See some of the common mistakes due to which submissions are rejected.



How do you I know the status of the submitted manuscript?

You may login and check the status here. If you forgot your password, click here to reset the password. Otherwise, please write to your Editorial Assistant (EA) who is handling your manuscript from submission till publishing. Login to find out who is your EA or check relevant email received from the journal office while assigning your manuscript to one of the EAs. Email ids of the EAs are linked here > Dr. Sakthipriya | Athira | Aiswarya | RithikaDr. Rajesh | Dr. Saranya | Revathi | Jiyyad Mohammed | Keerthana | Rozina | Dr. Rohini



What next after acceptance?

Authors should submit a clean version of the accepted manuscript without any track changes or highlighting using the template provided here.

The submitted manuscript will be sent for checking and correcting typos and formatting issues, if any. This will be followed by reference correction and language correction, if there are such mistakes remaining in the manuscript file. Only serious issues will be intimated to the authors and other minor corrections will be made by the publishing team. After these corrections, the manuscript will be sent for layout. PDF proof will be sent to authors and PST's proofreader. Corrections (if any) will be made in the article file and final PDF file be generated for publishing. 



Do you have an Early Access (EA) option to publish articles after acceptance?

Yes. See articles published under EA option

When volume, issue and page numbers will be given to articles published under the EA option?

Volume, issue and page numbers for articles published under the EA option will be given when they are added to an issue.



How to add one more co-author in the submitted manuscript?

To add a new author, you need to send a mail to all authors including the new author with a copy to the journal office (pst@horizonepublishing.com) and a copy to the Editorial Assistant handling your manuscript. All authors should agree to this request by replying to the email (use 'Reply All' option). 

I am Jacob with initial M. So if need to be specified as Jacob et al, what should I do?

You need to mention M in the first text box (as Given Name) and Jacob in the second text box (as Family Name). 



Whom to contact for APC related queries?

Send Email to pst@horizonepublishing.com



Why my article did not appear in Scopus database?

Send Email to Scopus

What can I expect after submitting a Missing Content or Data Correction request?



Why my article did not appear in Google Scholar?

We have noticed that rarely few articles are not included in Google Scholar.  Whatever be the reason, add your published article to your Google Scholar profile manually. In other words, via your profile go the (+) sign and then select add article manually. Good luck.



Whether preprint can be submitted to PST journal for publication?

Yes. But once the article is published in the PST journal, either the article link from the PST site has to be added to the preprint article or the preprint article needs to be removed from the preprint site.