Phytochemical, pharmacological and tissue culture studies of some important species of the genus Barleria L. (Acanthaceae) - a review
Acanthaceae, Metabolites, Flavonoids, Barlerin, Iridoid glycosidesAbstract
Ayurvedic sciences helped the early humans to overcome chronic dangerous diseases. There are thousands of varieties of herbs and medicinal plants used to overcome such dreadful diseases. The genus Barleria L. belongs to family Acanthaceae, a medicinally significant group of plants having diversified phytochemicals used for different pharmacological properties. It has been utilized since ancient times for medicinal purposes. It has many plant secondary metabolites such as terpenes, flavonoids, lignins, alkaloids, particularly the iridoid glycosides. The secondary metabolites extracted from Barleria spp. show potential pharmacological activities viz., anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fertility, anti-arthritic and anti-ulcer activity. In view of these, present review is focused on the phytochemistry, pharmacology and tissue culture studies of some of the important species of the genus Barleria L.
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