Genetic engineering and genome editing techniques in peanut plants




Agrobacterium, Biolistic, CRISPR/Cas9, Peanut, TALENs, ZFN


Research has long been associated with human life. In the effort to make a living, many experts who have contributed to the modernization of traditional research methods by conducting various research activities. In this process, professionals, from farmers to senior researchers, have done their part by developing plants that can tolerate or resist to disease. The growing population, climate change and plant disease are having a devastating effect on food security. In particular, it is essential to increase food production by producing high yielding crops of good quality, that may ensure food security. Recently, different gene- editing technologies have been developed. These techniques have been applied in many research fields and their development has provided economic benefits to farmers. Agrobacterium-mediated and biolistic methods are very important techniques for transforming genetic materials in plants. Genome- editing technologies are recent and highly applied in plant research to improve genes associated with yield, disease resistance and drought resistance. For example, Zinc-finger Nucleases (ZFNS), Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (TALEN), and Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats system (CRISPR/ Cas9) methods are now widely applied by researchers and are playing a positive role in increasing production and productivity. Of the gene- editing technology, CRISPR/ Cas9 is widely applied in plant breeding programme as it is easy to use and cost-effective. In this review, we mainly focus on peanut plant, which is an important oil-bearing allotetraploid crop. Therefore, peanut gene editing-technology could increase the oleic acid content in edible peanut oil. Thus, genome editing and gene transformation technologies are extensively explored in this review.


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How to Cite

Lamboro A, Song B, Songnan Y, Han X, Mingguo H, Li X, Yao D, Zhang J. Genetic engineering and genome editing techniques in peanut plants. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];8(3):528–534. Available from:



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