Genetic variation among biofortified and late blight tolerant potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (mini tuber) production in Bangladesh




CIP, Accessions, micronutrient, Principal, Traits


Biofortified potato could contribute a major role in food security for millions of people. It could help to alleviate worldwide micronutrient malnutrition. An experiment was carried out during 2019-2020 growing season with 49 accessions following randomized complete block design with three replications in order to evaluate and classify agro-morphological traits in Breeder seed production centre (BSPC), Debiganj, Panchagarh. Eight quantitative characters i.e. germination percent, foliage coverage, stem number per hill, plant height, plant vigor, tuber number per plant, tuber weight per plant, yield per plant were measured. Principal components (PC) analysis showed three components explained 72.16 % of the total variation among traits. The first PC assigned 35.22 % and the second PC assigned 58.47 % of total variation between traits. The first PC was more related to yield per plant and weight of tuber. Forty-nine germplasm was placed on three cluster based on cluster analysis using a hierarchical classification (HCA). All accessions were discriminated and high morphological variation was observed. Thus, the outcomes of principal component analysis used in the study have revealed the high level of genetic variation and the traits contributing to the variation were identified. CIP403, CIP404, CIP405, CIP413 and CIP445 accessions identified as superior based on cluster relationship and PCA bi-plot.


Author Biographies

Md Mushfiqur Rahman, Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. he has 8 years of research experience and 5 research publications

Md. Nurul Amin, Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 11 years of experience and 23 articles were published

Md. Harunor Rashid, Tuber Crop Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 8 years of experience and 10 articles were published

Md. Mazadul Islam, Tuber Crop Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 8 years of experience and 14 articles were published

Bimal Chandra Kundu, Tuber Crop Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 20 years of experience and 40 articles were published

Md. Mohi Uddin, Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh-5020, Bangladesh

Chief Scientific Officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 30 years of work experience and 40 articles were published

E.H.M. Shofiur Rahaman, International Potato Center (CIP), Dhaka, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

Senior Project Manager at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. He has 20 years of work experience and 40 articles were published


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How to Cite

Rahman MM, Amin MN, Rashid MH, Islam MM, Kundu BC, Uddin MM, Rahaman ES. Genetic variation among biofortified and late blight tolerant potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (mini tuber) production in Bangladesh. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 24];8(3):647–654. Available from:



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