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New records of desmids from Ropar wetland (a Ramsar Site) of Punjab, India




Closteriaceae, desmid, India, Punjab, Ropar wetland


This study deals with exploration of freshwater desmids for the first time from Ropar wetland (Ramsar site) of Punjab (India) to assess their taxonomic aspects and bio-geographical distribution. During this study, samples of planktonic, epiphytic and epilithic desmids were collected from littoral zone and were observed under light microscope for their morphometric characteristics based identification. Total 21 desmids species belonging to 4 genera of 2 families (Closteriaceae and Desmidiaceae) were identified from the collected samples. Among them, Cosmarium with 11 species (C. awadhense, C. bioculatum, C. trilobatum, C. divergens, C. granatum, C. moniliforme, C. nitidulum, C. subtumidum, C. reniforme, C. undulatum and C. obtusatum) was found to be most abundant followed by Closterium with 7 species (C. acerosum, C. dianae, C. incurvum, C. leibleinii, C. lunula, C. pritchardianum and C. aciculare), Euastrum with 2 species (E. spinulosum and E. platycerum) and Staurastrum with 1 species (S. crenulatum). The geographic distribution of identified desmid taxa in India has been also recorded. All the desmid taxa identified during this study are new record for the Punjab state of India. The results of this study provide significant baseline data for the future taxonomic and ecological studies from the similar habitats.



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24-08-2021 — Updated on 01-10-2021


How to Cite

Komal, Khattar J, Singh D, Singh Y. New records of desmids from Ropar wetland (a Ramsar Site) of Punjab, India. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];8(4):885–896. Available from:



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