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Traditional knowledge-based agricultural practices in Tribal dominated District Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh




Traditional farming, indigenous knowledge, resilient agriculture, sustainable farming


Traditional knowledge is the backbone of the agricultural system of any country. These traditional knowledge-based agricultural practices were phased out and replaced with modern agricultural practices. However, in the present scenario, these time tested traditional practices again have made a comeback due to their ability to sustain and overcome the obstacles posed by anthropogenic activities, land degradation, excessive and rampant usage of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, etc. In spite of this traditional knowledge has been confined to some secluded areas in particular among the indigenous, tribal, forest-dwelling communities. The present study has been aimed to document the Traditional knowledge-based agricultural practices in Tribal dominated District Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh. More than thirty agricultural practices have been documented during our study which has revealed the potential of this area which can be a model for natural, organic, sustainable farming, paving the way toward resilient agricultural systems.



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How to Cite

Kurmi A, Kaushik S, Pandey SK, Nagre S, Shweta S, Thomas M. Traditional knowledge-based agricultural practices in Tribal dominated District Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];. Available from:



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