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Nutrient content and biochemical analysis of papaya (Carica papaya L.) hybrids grown in central Kenya




Carica papaya hybrids, Mineral, Radical scavenging activity, Sugars, Vitamin


Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a known powerhouse of nutrients and biochemicals which have health benefits necessary in a human diet. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies, like stunting, wasting and underweight in children, are common in Kenya yet available fruits like papaya can provide those nutrients. This study evaluated the nutritional and biochemical compositions, sugars and the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities of 2 newly developed papaya hybrids (JKUAT 7 and JKUAT 8) grown in Kenya and Solo variety, as control; in a completely randomised design which were subjected to one way ANOVA at p?0.05. Results from this study showed significant differences for JKUAT 8 with zinc, iron, potassium and vitamin C contents at 3.28, 3.62, 1145.10 and 448.30 mg/100 g respectively. Solo variety had significantly higher ?-carotene (68.75 mg/100 g), lycopene (25.47 mg/100 g) and flavonoid (0.0178 g/100 g) contents. JKUAT 7 had more phenolic and tannins contents at 0.4434 g/100 g and 81.65 mg/100 g respectively. The DPPH activities ranged from 20 to 80 mg/mL with JKUAT 7 having the highest activity at 20 mg/mL and the least, Solo at 80 mg/mL. JKUAT 7 also exhibited higher total sugar contents in a range of 4.86 to 11.57%: with glucose and fructose at 5.74 and 5.83 % respectively. Our results suggested high nutritional and biochemical profiles of the newly developed JKUAT 7 and JKUAT 8 compared to Solo, the commercial variety. The high nutritional and biochemical contents recorded in the study papayas can be utilised in enhancing human nutrition and health thereby reducing metabolic disorders.



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How to Cite

Matsuane C, Kavoo AM, Kiage BN, Karanja J, Rimberia FK. Nutrient content and biochemical analysis of papaya (Carica papaya L.) hybrids grown in central Kenya. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];. Available from:



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