BGREI Impact on Productivity & Income from Rice: Western Vs. Northern Odisha




BGREI, Mean, Rice Productivity, Income from Rice, Rice Farmers


The article provides a comparison of the impact of the BGREI on rice productivity and income in the western and northern portions of Odisha in 2016–17. After consulting with scientists of ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack, 2 districts Mayurbhanj and Bargarh were selected as the research location. Two blocks from each district, 4 villages from each block were taken into consideration purposively and 10 farmers were selected randomly. Two pre-tested questionnaires were administered separately to the randomly selected beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries to collect the required data. After analysis of the data, it was observed that there is an increase of 8.83 quintals/acre (61.92%) in the productivity of Kharif rice in western Odisha, whereas in northern Odisha it is 6.1 quintals/acre (60.10%). Likewise, in case of Income from Kharif rice, there is an increment of Rs.12980/acre in western Odisha, whereas in northern Odisha it is Rs.8967/acre. After a critical statistical study, it was also clarified that there is no such major difference in the impact of BGREI on the income of rice farmers and productivity of rice, based on the location (i.e. between western Odisha and northern Odisha). It can be said that there is no such biasness in the BGREI scheme implemented areas of Odisha.



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13-05-2023 — Updated on 01-07-2023


How to Cite

Behera RK, Mohanty S, Dash S, Sahoo S, Mishra S, Das L, Raj R. BGREI Impact on Productivity & Income from Rice: Western Vs. Northern Odisha. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];10(3):111-6. Available from:



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