Sustainable agriculture: Influence of macro - and micro - nutrient levels, mixture and humic acid on growth and quality parameters of kharif maize (Zea mays L.)




Zero hunger, Life on land, Sustainable agriculture, Consumption and production, Foliar application, Chlorophyll, CGR


A field experiment entitled “Sustainable agriculture: Influence of macro- and micro-nutrient levels, mixture and humic acid on growth and quality parameters of kharif maize (Zea mays L.)” was conducted at Agricultural farm, Lovely Professional University, Punjab during the kharif season of 2020-2021. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with ten treatments and three replications each. The treatments were as follows-T0:Control (Recommended dose of fertilizer; RDF), T1: RDF+ soil application of MM 10 kg/ha at 30 DAS, T2: RDF+ foliar application of MM 1% at 30 DAS, T3: RDF+ seed priming with MM 1% before sowing, T4: 75% RDF+ soil application of MM 10 kg/ha at 30 DAS, T5: 75% RDF+ foliar application of MM 1% at 30 DAS, T6: 75% RDF+ seed priming with MM 1% before sowing, T7: T4+ humic acid 1% at 30 DAS, T8: T5+ humic acid 1% at 30 DAS, T9: T6 + humic acid 1% at 30 DAS. Among the various treatments, T8 exhibited higher growth attributes after 30 DAS, including plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, leaf area, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, chlorophyll index, CGR, RGR and NAR. Additionally, maize treated with T5+ humic acid 1% at 30 DAS showed improved quality in terms of protein contents in both grain and stover.


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31-08-2023 — Updated on 10-09-2023


How to Cite

Singh A, Sarkar S, Jaswal A, Mukkamalla Hari Sudhan Reddy. Sustainable agriculture: Influence of macro - and micro - nutrient levels, mixture and humic acid on growth and quality parameters of kharif maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];10(sp1):56-62. Available from:



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