A new variety of Gymnosporia emarginata (Celastraceae) from the Coromandel Coast of Peninsular India





Dry evergreen forest, Maytenus, Pondicherry, Scrub vegetation, Tamil Nadu


A new variety, Gymnosporia emarginata (Willd.) Thwaites var. coromandelica N.Balach. & P. Umamaheswari (Celastraceae) has been described from Tamil Nadu, India. The diagnostic characters of this variety are: long stamens, ovary immersed in the disc, style sessile and stigma lobes converged. Detailed descriptions, differences in characters between the 2 varieties, ITS based phylogenetic analysis and related images are provided for easy identification.



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20-04-2023 — Updated on 01-01-2024


How to Cite

Umamaheswari P, Balachandran N, Kumaresan V, Yuvarani K. A new variety of Gymnosporia emarginata (Celastraceae) from the Coromandel Coast of Peninsular India. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];11(1):01-5. Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/2255



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