Natural pesticides for pest control in agricultural crops: an alternative and eco-friendly method




Bioeconomy, Bacteria, Biopesticides, Eco-friendly pesticide, Microorganisms, Sustainable Agriculture


Biological pesticides are pesticides derived from natural materials such as bacteria, plants, and minerals that are applied to crops to kill pests. Biopesticides are targeted, inexpensive, eco-friendly, sustainable, leave no trace, and are not associated with the production of greenhouse gases. It contributes significantly to the agricultural bio-economy's sustainability. The advantages to the ecosystem provided by many significant biological resources justify the incorporation of biopesticides in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Through advancements in research and development, the use of biopesticides has significantly reduced environmental contamination. The development of biopesticides promotes agricultural modernization and will surely result in a gradual phase-out of chemical pesticides. Although synthetic pesticides have positive effects on crop yield and productivity, they also have some negative impacts on soil biodiversity, animals, aquatic life, and humans. In general, synthetic pesticides make the soil brittle, decrease soil respiration, and reduce the activity of some soil microorganisms, such as earthworms. Pesticide buildup in bodies of water can spread from aquatic life to animals including people, as their biomagnification can cause fatal diseases like cancer, kidney disease, rashes on the skin, diabetes, etc. Biopesticides, on the other hand, have surfaced and have proven to be quite beneficial in the management of pests and are safe for the environment and hence have emerged as very useful in the control of pests with a lot of merits.  The present review provides a broad perspective on the different kinds of pesticides. We analyzed suitable and environmentally friendly ways to improve the acceptance and industrial application of microbial herbicides, phytopesticides, and nano biopesticides for plant nutrition, crop protection/yield, animal/human health promotion, as well as their potential integration into the integrated pest management system.



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28-12-2023 — Updated on 14-01-2024


How to Cite

Swapan C, Mainak B, Deewa B, Tanmoy M. Natural pesticides for pest control in agricultural crops: an alternative and eco-friendly method. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];11(1):433-50. Available from:



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