A modern purification by accelerated solvent extraction and centrifugal partition chromatography and biological evaluation of capsaicin from Capsicum chinense





Capsicum chinense, capsaicin, accelerated solvent extraction, centrifugal partition chromatography, anti-inflammatory


A special alkaloid compound known as capsaicin, which can only be found in the fruit of the Capsicum plant, was isolated and tested for its anti-inflammatory activity. The purpose of this work is to establish a simple and quick approach for capsaicin purification utilizing centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) as well as an effective method - accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), for extracting capsaicin from Capsicum chinense. After purification, capsaicin was validated by HPLC-DAD at 281 nm to be > 90% purity. The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the isolated capsaicin was also investigated, and the IC50 value of the capsaicin was determined to be 57.61 µg/mL. The current work emphasizes how an ASE and CPC system may combine to extract high-purity capsaicin from Capsicum chinense, which have the anti-inflammatory activity, as we evaluated in the experiment.


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15-12-2023 — Updated on 13-01-2024


How to Cite

Thanh Duong H, Thuy Linh DT, Xuan Duy L, Thanh Ha T, Cao Cuong N, Van Trung P, Minh Khoi N, Quang Thao L, Huu Nghi D, Tuan Hiep N. A modern purification by accelerated solvent extraction and centrifugal partition chromatography and biological evaluation of capsaicin from Capsicum chinense. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(1):345-52. Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/2684



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