Seasonal diversity & spaciotemporal distribution of fungal endophytes associated with the medicinal plant Coleus forskohlii Briq.
Coleus forskohlii Briq., fungal endophytes, seasonal diversity, spaciotemporal distribution, AscomycotaAbstract
Fungi that colonize the healthy tissues of the plants without showing any disease symptoms in the host plants are termed as fungal endophytes. The presence of fungal endophytes provides a positive effect on the host’s growth & development and also triggers the production of some essential bioactive compounds in the host. This study was undertaken to isolate, identify and understand the spaciotemporal distribution and seasonal diversity of fungal endophytes associated with the leaf, stem & root of Coleus forskohlii, an important and endangered medicinal plant. Sampling was done for a period of 12 months between May 2020–April 2021. A total of 950 fungal endophytes were isolated from a total of 1680 tissues of the leaf, stem & root of C. forskohlii. The fungi were identified based on their morphological features and some of them were identified by molecular identification by 18S rRNA sequencing. The endophytic isolates belonged to 10 different orders belonging to 3 different classes-Sordariomycetes (Hypocreales, Xylariales, Microascales, Trichosphaeriales, Glomerellales & Sordariales), Dothiomycetes (Pleosporales, Capnodiales, Botryosphaeriales) & Eurotiomyctes (Eurotiales). About 81.26% of the isolates belonged to Ascomycota & 2.63% of the isolates belonged to Mucoromycota. Chaetomium globosum, Collariella bostrychodes, C. robusta, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Fusarium chlamydosporum, Sterile hyaline mycelia, Aspergillus niger, Xylaria curta, X. grammica, Mucor circinelloides & Trichoderma harizianum were the frequently isolated species of fungi. C. globosum, C. bostrychodes, C. gloeosporioides, sterile hyaline mycelia & X. curta were found distributed in all the tissues of the plant. C. forskohlii has thus revealed a rich diversity of fungal endophytes that could be isolated & cultured to yield some pharmacologically important bioactive compounds.
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