Nomenclatural updates in the sedge-flora of western Uttar Pradesh




Nomenclature, taxonomic databases, type, Cyperaceae, sedges


Establishing all plant’s correct identity and nomenclature is crucial in the current context. Therefore, an updated list and nomenclature status of sedges of western Uttar Pradesh, India has been provided in this article. This research paper incorporates extensive consultation of taxonomic databases, examination of type specimens and scrutiny of published works, including Ph.D thesis, research papers, books, and floras. To ensure the accuracy of binomial nomenclature, a systematic approach is adopted, starting with the utilization of search engines to cross-verify and validate taxonomic information. This includes a rigorous examination of online databases and repositories to access up-to-date information on botanical nomenclature. This paper aims to provideaccepted binomials with correct author citations of the sedges growing in western Uttar Pradesh because several names in the published literature are not accepted now. Such publications include several synonyms as accepted name, as well as mistakes in authority. A pivotal aspect of this work involves the verification of binomial identities through the examination of protologues and type specimens. Keeping this in mind, a comprehensive study for solving and updating nomenclature issues hasbeen carried out using different databases, websites and recent publications. We updated the nomenclature of all sedges of western Uttar Pradesh included in publications after 1959. Review of literature and field studies shows that western Uttar Pradesh includes a total of 91 species belonging to 14 genera published in 18 publications. In this study, 25 names of past publications were corrected. This is the first report on updated name changes in the floristic component of western Uttar Pradesh, where 41 names of sedges have been updated. This research paper covers the accepted name, synonym, taxonomic treatment, and typification.



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26-02-2024 — Updated on 01-04-2024


How to Cite

Kumar V, Vijai Malik. Nomenclatural updates in the sedge-flora of western Uttar Pradesh. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];11(2). Available from:



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