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Evaluation of zinc application methods and integrated nutrient management on variation in growth, yield and yield contributing factors in wheat




Zinc, Integrated nutrient management, growth, yield, wheat


Zinc is an important micro nutrient and plays an important role in improving the crop growth and productivity. Intensive agricultural practices due to rise in population have accelerated the use of chemical fertilizers which resulted in depletion of soil fertility. In this regard, a 2 year field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Farm of Lovely Professional University during rabi season in 2021-2022 and 2022-23 to examine the effect of different zinc application methods and integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and yield contributing factors on wheat. Three types of zinc application methods along with various levels of integrated nutrient management approaches were used for the study. The results revealed that a significant interaction between zinc application methods and integrated nutrient management practices was observed with dry matter accumulation (g/m2), Leaf area index, spikes/m2, spike length (cm), number of grains per spike and grain yield of wheat crop. Maximum improvement in grain yield (5.5 t/ha) was obtained when soil+foliar application of zinc was combined with 75% recommended dose of fertilizer + 2.5 t/ha farm yard manure + Zinc solubilizing bacteria. Additionally, these studies need to be repeated at many locations with various agro-climatic circumstances.



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How to Cite

S S, Kaur G, Chhabra V. Evaluation of zinc application methods and integrated nutrient management on variation in growth, yield and yield contributing factors in wheat. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];. Available from:



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