Ethnobotanical Research in Bangladesh – A Review
Domestication, Food plants, Germplasm conservation, Local ecological knowledge, Medicinal plants, PharmacologyAbstract
The ethnobotanical studies focus on how people of a specific culture, group, tribe, or geographic area make use of native (indigenous) plants. This paper reports the status of ethnobotanical knowledge from a historical perspective in recent years in the relatively small and diversity-rich territory of Bangladesh. Ethnobotanical research is now getting more focused on new areas such as ecosystem services, pharmaceutical prospecting, the growth of traditional medicine, value-added plant products, domestication of new crops, and raising awareness of the importance of biological diversity for resource management, environmental education, and conservation. We have also discussed some further thrust areas, constraints, and prospects of ethnobotanical research and mainstreaming ethnobotanical knowledge in national planning processes.
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