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A study on training needs of chilli growers in Andhra Pradesh




Chilli crop production, post-harvest, agriculture


The present study assesses the training needs of chilli growers of Andhra Pradesh. An ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. Two districts, Guntur and Prakasam, were purposefully selected for the study, as they cover the highest area of chilli cultivation. Two mandals were selected from each district purposively based on the highest area and from each mandal, 5 villages were selected. Thirteen respondents from each village were selected randomly. Thus, a total sample size of 260 was selected for the study. After a thorough review of the literature, focal group discussions with chilli growers and consultation with experts, 7 different categories of training areas were identified. The data was collected using the personal interview method, using a pre-tested, well-prepared interview schedule and ranked based on mean score. The study revealed that among all the different categories of training needs, the respondents perceived crop protection and crop production as the most important training needs, with mean scores of 2.324 and 2.159 and were ranked first and second. Training needs pertaining to marketing, harvesting and post-harvest handling, processing and value-addition, nursery management and mechanization occupied the next 3rd to 7th ranks respectively. Hence, the extension personnel, scientists and policymakers shall keep the results of this study in view regarding what content needs to be focused on while preparing training programs for chilli farmers. 


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How to Cite

Vysali K, Mishra BP. A study on training needs of chilli growers in Andhra Pradesh. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];. Available from:



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