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Iron toxicity in lowland rice influenced by application of high potassic fertilizer with suitable cultivars enhanced productivity and climate resilience




Rice cultivars, potassium nutrition, iron toxicity, total iron, exchangeable iron


Iron poisoning in low-land rice in India develops gradually and is primarily caused by anaerobic conditions in submerged rice fields. A high concentration of ferrous ions in the soil solution disrupts the potassium balance in rice plants, leading to adverse effects on crop growth. In the 2021–2022 period, an experiment was conducted in non-saline, iron-rich soil (pH–4.82, Fe–458.6 mg kg–1) to mitigate iron toxicity in rice cultivars through potassium nutrition. The experiment involved 4 potassium application doses (K-40, K-80, K-100 and K-120) and 32 rice cultivars, replicated twice using a split-plot design. Higher potassium doses led to increased tiller counts, but gradually decreased root length. Notably, cultivars like Kanchan, Indravati, Jagabandhu, Santepheap and Salibahan exhibited the lowest iron concentration in their grains compared to susceptible cultivars. Administering K-120 resulted in a yield increase of over 36.70 q ha-1. Grain yield increased with higher K dosage, although it did not affect total iron content. However, K doses did influence specific fractions of iron in the soil. Hence, potassium nutrition appears crucial in managing iron toxicity in inceptisols, especially when paired with cultivars tolerant to iron toxicity.


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How to Cite

Jevelin S, Rajendra KP, Rabindra KN, Manoranjan S. Iron toxicity in lowland rice influenced by application of high potassic fertilizer with suitable cultivars enhanced productivity and climate resilience. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];. Available from:



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