Studies on correlation analysis, path analysis and genetic diversity in Rosa (Rosa spp.)




Rose, correlation analysis, path analysis, genetic diversity, accessions


This study conducted during 2019 to 2022 provides an in-depth analysis of varietal influence encompasses correlation analysis, path analysis and genetic divergence assessment to explore the intricate dynamics of plant and floral characteristics in Rosa spp. Correlation analysis reveals significant positive correlations between plant height and both north-south (NS) and east-west (EW) plant spread, indicating wider spreads in taller plants. Moreover, NS and EW plant spreads correlate positively with attributes like shoots, leaves and leaf area, suggesting enhanced vegetative growth. Path analysis uncovers direct and indirect effects among variables, with plant height emerging as a key influencer on leaf area and flower diameter. Notably, leaf area and leaf area index exhibit strong positive direct effects on plant height, highlighting their role in determining plant stature. Additionally, flower diameter positively impacts flower fresh weight and petal fresh weight, underscoring the relationship between flower size and weight. Genetic divergence analysis groups genotypes into distinct clusters based on similarities in characteristics, offering insights into their relationships and aiding in breeding processes. The study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics governing plant and floral characteristics, enriching our understanding of their interactions within the ecosystem and offering potential implications for breeding and selection processes.


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30-08-2024 — Updated on 31-08-2024


How to Cite

M V, R M, M G, S P T, S G, S V. Studies on correlation analysis, path analysis and genetic diversity in Rosa (Rosa spp.) . Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(3). Available from:



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