Sustainable integration of rubber plantations within agroforestry systems in China: current research and future directions
Agroforestry systems, diversification, rubber plantations, sustainable climate change, under-forest economyAbstract
The integration of rubber plantations with agroforestry systems, or the under-forest economy, represents a pivotal shift towards sustainable agriculture in China. This paper reviews the latest research on agroforestry practices and innovations within China's rubber plantation under-forest economy, with a focus on the balance between economic productivity and environmental sustainability. We explore the adoption of diverse agroforestry models that incorporate rubber trees with other valuable plant species, aiming to enhance ecosystem services, biodiversity, and farmers' livelihoods. The review highlights significant advancements in sustainable management practices, including species selection, planting designs, and soil and water conservation techniques that contribute to the resilience of these systems against environmental stresses. Economic analyses underscore the potential for rubber agroforestry systems to improve income diversification and stability for rural communities while also navigating market challenges. Environmental assessments reveal the positive impacts of these practices on carbon sequestration, biodiversity preservation, and soil health, positioning rubber agroforestry as a beneficial strategy for mitigating climate change effects. However, the review also identifies challenges, including the need for supportive policy frameworks, access to knowledge and technology for smallholders, and further research on long-term sustainability outcomes. Future directions for research are proposed, emphasizing the integration of ecological, economic, and social dimensions to fully realize the potential of the rubber under-forest economy in China.
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