Germplasm and conservation of rare and endangered tree species endemic to east China


  • Jun Liu Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
  • Jiang Jingmin Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry



east China, rare and endangered, germplasm, conservation


There are plenty of native tree species in east China, including 16 rare and endangered tree species belonging to 11 genera in 10 families. Because of narrow distribution area, weak qualitative competitiveness and reduced natural regeneration, the number of these tree species are decreasing substantially. Thus, it is necessary to protect endangered species endemic to the region. In this paper the basic data on germplasm, geographical distribution, biological characters, endangered status and current conservation strategies of rare and endangered species endemic to east China are presented. The gap areas were identified and accordingly implications were made on the future work on the native rare and endangered tree species in east China should focus on the basic research of conservation biology, establishment of the information system, solution of problems in reproductive biology and more emphasis on the key regions for protecting biodiversity.



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How to Cite

Liu J, Jingmin J. Germplasm and conservation of rare and endangered tree species endemic to east China. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2014 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 20];1(4):183-7. Available from:



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