
Comparative analysis of leaf area index and maize yield estimation assimilating remote sensing and DSSAT crop simulation model




Sentinel 1A, Temporal Backscattering, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Remote sensing, DSSAT, Maize yield


Maize is a global staple crop, impacting food security, economic development, and agricultural sustainability. This study investigates the integration of Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with the DSSAT CERES-Maize crop simulation model to estimate Leaf Area Index (LAI) and rabi maize yield in Belagavi district, Karnataka. Field data, including LAI, days to anthesis, silking, grain filling, and farmers' field practices, were collected for model calibration and validation, supplemented by crop-cutting experiments (CCE) to determine actual yields. The study revealed strong correlations between LAI values obtained from remote sensing (RS) and field observations, with RS-derived LAI showing an average agreement of approximately 96.07% compared to field measurements. The DSSAT model exhibited slightly better performance, averaging 97.09%. Statistical analysis for LAI showed an R² value of 0.853 for RS and 0.864 for DSSAT, indicating strong correlations with observed LAI values. For maize yield estimation, the DSSAT model demonstrated higher accuracy with an average yield of 8129 kg/ha, compared to RS-derived yield averages of 7533.9 kg/ha and CCE yield averages of 8096.6 kg/ha. The average concordance between DSSAT and CCE yields was 94.19%, while RS and CCE yields had an average concordance of 92.29%. Statistical analyses revealed coefficients of determination of 0.854 for DSSAT-CCE and 0.867 for RS-CCE comparisons. The study underscores the value of combining RS data with DSSAT for comprehensive and accurate crop yield forecasting, highlighting the potential for improved agricultural assessments and decision-making.


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How to Cite

Thimmareddy H, Pazhanivelan S, Ragunath K P, Sathyamoorthy N K, Sivamurugan A P, Vincent S, Sudarmanian N S, Satheesh S, Pugazenthi K. Comparative analysis of leaf area index and maize yield estimation assimilating remote sensing and DSSAT crop simulation model. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 19 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];. Available from:



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