Variability, association and cluster analysis of backcross derived lines in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]




black gram, backcross derived lines, variability, correlation, path analysis, cluster analysis


A BC2F4 population of black gram was derived from a cross between a high-yielding variety (MDU 1) and a bruchid-resistant donor (TU 68). Twenty-four backcross-derived lines (BLs) of this population were evaluated for yield and yield components. Eight BLs had at par seed yield with MDU 1. Variability studies showed high PCV (%), GCV (%), heritability (%) and GAM (%) for plant height, number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per plant and seed yield per plant. Correlation analysis for yield components revealed that all traits significantly and positively correlated with seed yield per plant. Path analysis on seed yield per plant indicated that the number of pods and hundred seed weight had a high and moderate direct effect on seed yield per plant. Hence, these two traits should be used as seed yield improvement programme selection indices. Cluster analysis grouped the progenies into three major clusters. Most of the progenies that are at par with MDU 1 for yield were clustered together. The promising high-yielding progenies identified may be tested for their bruchid resistance and released as a variety after the large-scale evaluation.


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How to Cite

Hegde PM, Narayana M, Dharmalingam K, Ramasamy SV, Govindasamy S. Variability, association and cluster analysis of backcross derived lines in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from: