Taxonomic notes on Indian Terminalia (Combretaceae)


  • Tapas Chakrabarty 4, Botanical Garden Lane, Howrah 711 103, India
  • G. Krishna Central National Herbarium, Botanical Survey of India, AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah 711 103, India
  • L. Rasingam Botanical Survey of India, Deccan Regional Centre, Attapur, Hyderabad 500 048, India



Combretaceae, Terminalia, Elaeocarpus rugosus, Chebulic myrobalan, new synonyms, reinstatement, lectotypification, epitypification


The species Terminalia kanchii Dhabe, T. manii King, T. maoi Dhabe and T. shankarraoi Dhabe were identified to be conspecific with T. citrina (Gaertn.) Roxb. and therefore reduced to synonyms of the latter. Terminalia procera Roxb., treated recently as a synonym of T. catappa L. is reinstated here as a distinct species, and for the name, a lectotype and an epitype have been designated and T. copelandii Elmer is considered as its synonym. Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight & Arn., which has recently been recognized as a distinct species, is treated as a synonym of T. elliptica Willd. Terminaila sharmae M.Gangop. & Chakrab. is merged with Elaeocarpus rugosus Roxb. ex G. Don of the Elaeocarpaceae, and a lectotype has been designated for the latter name. Terminalia vermae M.Gangop. & Chakrab. is maintained as a distinct species.


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How to Cite

Chakrabarty T, Krishna G, Rasingam L. Taxonomic notes on Indian Terminalia (Combretaceae). Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(3):281-6. Available from:



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