Improvement of forage lands in Central Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia by using some integrated approaches




Monitoring, Technology, Grass mixtures, Tillage, Sowing, Field germination rate, Yield


In an activity system aimed at creation of high-quality fodder base for animal agriculture, crop science plays the main role. It facilitates the increase in the productivity of forage crops, which guarantees the relevance of efficiency studies and the developed technologies for improving forage lands. The research was aimed at studying the impact of integrated approaches to improving forage lands in the Central Non-Black Earth Zone. The objectives of the research were as follows: to present a methodology for monitoring agricultural fields for the subsequent improvement of forage lands; to develop an efficient technology for improving forage lands using modern mechanization means; to study the productivity of different grass mixtures when implementing various options for soil cultivation. Based on the results of three years of theoretical and experimental research, a technological scheme for fodder land improvement (including technical processes) was compiled: monitoring of fields, preparation of grass mixtures and mineral fertilizers, preparation and tuning of machine-tractor aggregates, assessment of the yield of two-time grass cutting and secondary monitoring of fields. The proposed technology included several levelling technological operations (including levelling of hillocks), operations for the preparation of the seedbed and the seed material in the form of grass mixtures and mineral fertilizers and subsequent strip sowing. It has been established that when improving fodder lands as well as the quality of soil preparation, the prevalence of milling created more favorable conditions for increasing productivity of perennial grasses compared to disking.


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Author Biographies

Nikolay Vasilievich Aldoshin

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Agricultural Machines, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. 

Alexander Sergeevich Vasiliev

Associate Professor, Department of Processing and Storage Technology for Agricultural Production, Tver State Agricultural Academy. 

Andrey Vasilievich Kudryavtsev

Associate Professor, Department of Technological and Transport Machines and Complexes, Tver State Agricultural Academy. 

Anton Sergeevich Firsov

Associate Professor, Department of Technological and Transport Machines and Complexes, Tver State Agricultural Academy. 

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Golubev

Professor, Head of the Department of Technological and Transport Machines and Complexes, Tver State Agricultural Academy. 

Lyudmila Yuryevna Vasilieva

Senior Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tver State Agricultural Academy. 


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How to Cite

Aldoshin NV, Vasiliev AS, Kudryavtsev AV, Firsov AS, Golubev VV, Vasilieva LY. Improvement of forage lands in Central Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia by using some integrated approaches. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];8(1):9-15. Available from:



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