Pyrenocarpous lichens in Goa with five new records to India




Arthopyreniaceae, biodiversity, Porinaceae, Pyrenulaceae, Western Ghats, Taxonomy


The pyrenocarpous lichens are the one which produces perithecial ascocarps. They are one of the prominent groups of lichens in tropical forests. Frequent incidence of pyrenocarpous taxa in lichen biota of Goa prompted us to take up the exclusive study of this group in the State. The study revealed the occurrence of 79 species belonging to 15 genera and seven families. The family Pyrenulaceae had the maximum number of 23 species, while 20 belonged to the family Porinaceae. In comparison to North Goa, South Goa is fairly well explored for lichens representing 71 species from 11 localities. The following five species are reported as new to India — Porina exserta, P. siamensis, Pyrenula dissimulans, P. pyrenastrospora and P. rinodinospora. With the addition of five new records, the Goa State now represents 165 species of lichens, out of which 48% is represented by pyrenocarpous lichens. The present study will be useful for monographic studies on pyrenocarpous lichens and for environmental monitoring studies in the area, as this can be considered as a key indicator species.



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29-09-2021 — Updated on 01-10-2021

How to Cite

Randive P, Mishra GK, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Janarthanam M. Pyrenocarpous lichens in Goa with five new records to India. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];8(4):889–899. Available from:



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