Characterisation of indigenous plants for herbal formulations preparation based on pharmacognostic and physiochemical data
Medicinal plants, Organoleptic, Heavy metal, Alstonia, Centella, Drymaria, Hydrocotyle, Oroxylum, Senna, Solanum, StephaniaAbstract
The use of plant-based drugs has increased considerably in the modern world for their efficiency in managing diseases with lesser side effects than synthetic drugs. The current study was aimed to confirm the identity, quality and purity of some locally available potential medicinal plants such as Alstonia scholaris (bark), Centella asiatica (whole plant), Drymaria cordata (whole plant), Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (whole plant), Oroxylum indicum (bark), Senna hirsuta (leaf), Senna occidentalis (leaf), Solanum indicum (root), Stephania japonica (tuber) in powdered form. The powdered plant parts were evaluated for preliminary phytochemicals, pharmacognostical studies, physical characteristics and heavy metals. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the different extracts inferred the existence of carbohydrates, phenolics, alkaloids and amino acids while triterpenoids were absent. Microscopical study of the powder revealed the diagnostic qualities such as stone cells, trichomes, stomata, calcium oxalate crystal, fibres, xylem vessel, pitted spiral vessels, etc. The colour, odour, flavour/taste and texture of the pulverized plant were overall acceptable. The physical characteristics which determine the flow rate of the powder with respect to Carr’s index and Hausner’s ratio were found to be good to passable except for Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (whole plant), Oroxylum indicum (bark), which were not easily passable. The heavy metal test showed the absence of bismuth, cadmium and lead. Thus the present study may serve as a standard reference for the quality control analysis of the herbal drug either singly or in synergy.
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