Phytotherapy for Diabetes: An Overview of Indian Traditional Plants with Saponins as a Phytoconstituent
Diabetes mellitus, Saponin, Anti-diabetic, GlucoseAbstract
The present article consists of the basic knowledge about diabetes with its classification as Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes as well as other types of diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetes mellitus is a long-term metabolic disorder defined by increased blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion and action are defective in diabetic patients. Diabetes leads to irreversible damage and failure of many organs because of chronic hyperglycemia. They have a complex etiology that arises when the equilibrium of offensive and protective components is altered. The limited effectiveness and severe adverse effects of the currently available medications make treatment extremely difficult. In experimental models of anti-diabetic preparations, natural items such as herbal plants and their extracted components have been frequently used. Saponins, a glycosidic molecule, is proven to have therapeutic potential and they are used as an alternative treatment for insulin in diabetic patients. Saponin-induced dyslipidemia will aid diabetic people in lowering their risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. This review aims to explain the antidiabetic function of saponins as well as its potential in the management of diabetes.
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- 13-06-2023 (1)
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