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Assess the impact of cultivation substrates for growing sprouts and microgreens of selected four legumes and two grains and evaluation of its nutritional properties




Sprouts, Microgreens, Coco peat, Hydroponics, Nutritional comparison


Many people suffer from a deficiency of essential micronutrients. Sprouts and microgreens can transform the whole idea of vegetables to resolve the need for a diet with fresh, nutrient-rich, and high content of phyto-compounds necessary for a healthy body. The study's main objective is to evaluate the growth of 6 different seeds, such as four legumes; fenugreek, mung bean, cowpea, horse gram and two grains, wheat, sorghum microgreens. All the seeds were cultivated in soil, water and coco peat, to estimate and compare the nutritional properties of the selected sprouts vs. microgreens. The growth of microgreens in each medium was evaluated, and the proximate and nutritional properties were analysed. In terms of the growth of microgreens, coco peat medium serves the best, as it retains water for a long and it is porous to provide better aeration for the roots and also the day of harvest is shorter. In terms of the nutritional property of microgreens, soil serves the best, as it contains more nutrients than any other medium. The study results showed sprouts are better sources of proteins and carbohydrates than microgreens. However, microgreens were characterized by a high content of carotenoids, chlorophylls and ascorbic acid. It also exhibiting higher anti-diabetic and anticholinergic activity than sprouts. In addition, the microgreens have more micronutrients like zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium etc., than the sprouts. Finally, microgreens were better growing with coco peat and also sources for functional components for dietary supplements and sustainable agriculture.



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22-01-2023 — Updated on 01-04-2023


How to Cite

Eswaranpillai U, Murugesan P, Karuppiah P. Assess the impact of cultivation substrates for growing sprouts and microgreens of selected four legumes and two grains and evaluation of its nutritional properties. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];10(2). Available from:



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