Enhancing resilience to climate change through prospective strategies for climate-resilient agriculture to improve crop yield and food security
Agriculture, Climate, Resilience, Crops, YieldAbstract
It is important to highlight that agriculture is one of the sectors that will be directly affected by climate change scenarios in recent years. There are a number of processes such as drought, floods, temperature, salinity etc along with other forms of biotic factors posing significant impacts on crop yields of various crops due to their fluctuating scenario in the environment. Espousal of smart technologies and practices like smart crop and variety selection, efficient climate-based cropping system, agricultural water management (AWM), balanced fertilization, contingency planning, recarbonization of soils, no-till system, integrated farming system, site specific nutrient management etc are being advised to exercise in many regions for climate-resistant agriculture. These approaches minimize soil disruption and energy usages, enhance soil health and alleviate greenhouse gas discharges, minimize unproductive losses and improve efficiency of land and water use result in greater crop production with reduced fertilizer usage. As a part of this strategy, weather stations and mini-weather lookouts are set up at the village stage to register relevant weather observations like temperature, rainfall, wind speed and relative humidity etc to furnish customized agro-advisories to farmers, which reduce detrimental consequences attributed to the climate. A climate smart approach integrates farmer’s practices with related technologies, plans, institutes, policies and financial packages. So, initiating the choice of site-specific crops, development of customized technologies and tools, diversification of crops, improvement of climate-resistant crop varieties, syndication of forecasting tools and proper management of resources at the community level can effectively enhance climate resilience in agriculture.
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