Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Tulipa (Liliaceae) from Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve
Tulipa, Phylogeny, ITS, matK, ycf1Abstract
Barcodes are conserved sequences of genomic, plastid and mitochondrial DNA that can be utilized to uniquely identify an unidentified specimen to its species when conventional identification methods are inapplicable. Among prokaryotic and eukaryotic species, nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sections are one of the most often utilized DNA markers in DNA barcoding and phylogenetic research. In addition to the ribosomal genes, the plastid genes are the most suitable for identifying plant species. The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve is the oldest nature reserve in Central Asia and is home to 1,312 vascular plant species, 44 of which are categorized as threatened or endangered in Kazakhstan's red data book. In this study, a collection of specimens of uncommon tulip species was compiled, along with their morphological identification and DNA barcoding. The ITS region and parts of the matK and ycf1b genes of tulip plastid DNA were sequenced. The evolutionary link between species of tulips was investigated. Phylogenetic study predicted two Tulipa subclades. Tulipa species have substantially preserved MatK genes. Tulips' ycf1b gene has evolved more slowly than other Liliaceae family members. Nuclear and plastid DNA sequences investigated Tulipa species evolutionary relationships. The findings about the ITS region of nuclear DNA were more definite. Overall, our work shows that genetic data will be important in determining species concepts in this genus, however, even with a molecular perspective pulling apart closely related taxa can be extremely challenging.
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