Superior effect of nature based solutions in soil and water management for sustainable agriculture
Nature-based solutions, Sustainable agriculture, Soil erosion, Plant growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, MulchingAbstract
The world's natural resources are under extreme pressure as a result of the planet's rising population and irregular climate. The two most important natural resources for agriculture are soil and water and yet another crucial factor for environmental and economic sustainability of all kinds of forestry and agriculture systems is the preservation of water and soil resources. So, there is a need to address the present global issues like water and food insecurity, biodiversity loss and livelihood risks meanwhile taking human safety and functions of the ecosystem into account. Ecosystem integrity and function are threatened globally by soil loss, where supply of important food and resources to human societies can be severely affected. Freshwater is a valuable resource and a vital media for many different economic domains and residential purposes; however its usage is often at the cost of natural habitats. Therefore, for agricultural sustainability as well as the preservation of the natural ecosystem, integrative management of soil and water resources is essential. To prevent soil and water deterioration, it is imperative to develop and adopt new technologies, use natural resources sensitively and implement appropriate management techniques. Nature-based solutions, sustainable soil and water management and ecosystem based acclimation are some of the extensively used approaches that address some of the challenges in a target aimed approach. Nature-based solutions are low price initiatives that could promote resilience in agricultural produce while reducing climatic effects and improving the environment. This review highlights various soil and water conservative strategies for agricultural sustainability.
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