Impact of weather parameters on maize agroecosystem and adaptation strategies under changing climatic conditions: A review: Sustainable and climate-resilient adaptation strategies in maize agroecosystem




Agriculture 4.0, Crop adaptation technology, Date of sowing, Heat stress and drought, Rainfall variation, Weather parameters


Change in precipitation patterns and increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (high temperatures and heat waves) harm crop productivity. As per the future prediction, the temperature may increase by 2.5 0C by 2050 and by 2-30 C by the end of the century. The present review evaluates the impact of a rise and fall in temperature, solar radiation, and CO2 on the productivity of maize and other crops. Agronomic management practices during the crop growth period of selecting crop cultivars, date of sowing, plant population, dosage, timing, and methods of application of inputs are influenced by temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Overall crop productivity will reduce by 50.9 % in wheat in the USA, 46% in maize in China,17% in cotton in India, and 30% in sugarcane in India. Changing the sowing date and adopting improved early and short-duration varieties of corn and other crops are becoming significant under low-cost adoption technologies to mitigate climate change. Info Crop-SORGHUM simulation model predicts that change in the sowing date of a variety in sorghum reduces the impact of climate change and vulnerability to 1- 2 % by 2020, 3-8 % by 2050, and 4-9% by 2080. The review highlights the impact of heat stress and drought on soil processes, and overall soil health. The authors conclude to implement climate adoption technologies based on Agriculture 4.0 to sustain crop production globally.



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03-02-2023 — Updated on 09-04-2023


How to Cite

Rajath H, Kumar C, Hanumanthappa M, Bhanuprakash H, Yogesh G, Chandrakala H, Navinkumar. Impact of weather parameters on maize agroecosystem and adaptation strategies under changing climatic conditions: A review: Sustainable and climate-resilient adaptation strategies in maize agroecosystem. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];10(sp1):01-10. Available from:



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