Significance of chitosan foliar spraying on the growth and yield of vegetable crop under protected cultivation: A Review




Chitosan, Foliar spraying, Growth, Vegetables, Yield


Chitosan is a naturally occurring substance that is manufactured industrially from crab shells. It has been used as a better material for improving vegetable growth and yields, as well as a protective mechanism against fungi, bacteria and viruses. Because of its excellent biocompatibility, biodegradability and bioactivity, the biopolymer "Chitosan" has generated a lot of interest for its potential wide application in agriculture. Chitosan acts as an inducer in many species of plants. It not only works by triggering the immune system of plants, but it also enhances crop yields. Chitosan increased plant efficacy in reducing the negative effect of adverse circumstances as well as plant growth. The main objective of this review paper is to synthesize the most recent literature on the influence of chitosan foliar spraying on the development and yield properties of various vegetables, as well as to foster academic collaboration.. For instance, 100 ppm level of foliar spraying of chitosan have effects on the average plant height, medium number of leaves, area of leaves, the content of chlorophyll and fruits weight of tomato plant growth parameters, whereas chitosan at 4 mL per litre improved the minerals situation in cucumber and this substance also significantly lowered the damaging Powdery mildew in okra. This study demonstrates the beneficial effect of foliar spraying chitosan in conjunction with other chemical substances on plants. The current research has been done for future studies aimed at improving the foliar application of chitosan for horticultural production, particularly vegetable yield and growth.



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14-04-2023 — Updated on 01-07-2023


How to Cite

Kazimi R, Saxena D. Significance of chitosan foliar spraying on the growth and yield of vegetable crop under protected cultivation: A Review. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];10(3):140-8. Available from:



Review Articles