Seed Vigor of Soybean Treated by Corona Discharge Plasma




Plasma treatment, soybean, seed vigor, spectrum


There is a huge gap between the output and demand of soybean in China. How to improve the seed vigor of soybean has always been a research focus. Low temperature plasma (LTP) is a new green technology, which is widely used in crop seed treatment. Corona plasma is a typical discharge mode of plasma, which can affect the vigor of seeds. The effect of different discharge power on the soybean seed vigor by plasma treatment was experimentally investigated. Plasma discharge characteristic wavelength and spatial distribution were analysed. It shows that the corona discharge spectrum mainly exhibits the strong ultraviolet radiation and 90% of the spectral intensity focused in the center of discharge region. Water absorption and germination index of seeds and the fresh weight of seedlings were used to characterize the specific effects caused by different plasma powers. The results show that plasma treatment has a significant effect on the early stage of germination and can significantly affect the soybean seed vigor and growth. Overdose treatment will cause inhibiting effect. This study provides an experimental basis for the practical agriculture application of corona plasma seed treatment.



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09-11-2023 — Updated on 05-01-2024


How to Cite

Lin L, Liang R, Liu X, Zhang D, Wang M, Zhao W, Tang X, Li B, Shi G, Chen W, Guo J, Robert E, Huang F. Seed Vigor of Soybean Treated by Corona Discharge Plasma. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];11(1):266-73. Available from:



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