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  • Sheily Nneka Egonu Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Uche Cyprian Okafor Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria (Faculty of Tropical Agri Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Kamycka 129, 16500, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Chinyere Chioma Isuosuo Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Obiora Emmanuel Udoh Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Chukwuma Kenechukwu Chukwuemeka Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Emmanuel Gabriel Njoku Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Obi Sergius Udengwu Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria



Combretum, Nanoparticle production index (nppi), Biomimetic, Phytonanotaxonomy, Silver nanoparticles


Existing research has shown that plants are best suited for the ecofriendly green synthesis of nanoparticles. This study reported novel findings on the biomimetic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the aqueous leaf extract of six medicinal plant species in the genus, Combretum (C. paniculatum, C. dolichopetalum, C. platypterum, C racemosum, C. bauchiense, and C. demeusei). It was concerned with the characterization, phytochemical screening, antimicrobial and cytological evaluation of the synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The novelty of this study lies in the creation of a nanoparticle production index (NPPI) of the species based on their crystalline sizes (in nm) and yield (in mg/l) of AgNPs. This NPPI can be defined as a measure of the quantity of particles produced with respect to the experimental species.  The study also investigated whether these species would produce similar results since they belong to the same genus. It was observed that the smaller the size of the nanoparticles, the higher the production index. The highest production index was observed in C. paniculatum (18.75 nm, 144. 6 mg/l), and the least in C. demeusei (0 nm, 6.3 mg/l). The AgNPs were characterized using various standard analytical techniques. The X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the species showed 2 theta values in the 40° range, all corresponding to miller indices of (200). The synthesized AgNPs showed varying but significant antimicrobial activities. Also, majority of the species showed a high NPPI. The study heralds a system, “phytonanotaxonomy”, the classification of plants of the same taxa based on their NPPI.



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How to Cite

Egonu SN, Okafor UC, Isuosuo CC, Udoh OE, Chukwuemeka CK, Njoku EG, Udengwu OS. EVALUATING THE PRODUCTION POTENTIAL OF SIX (6) COMBRETUM SPECIES IN THE BIOMIMETIC SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];. Available from:



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