Biological activity and phytochemistry of Dracaena angolensis Welw. ex Carrière
Dracaena angolensis, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, SansevieriaAbstract
Dracaena angolensis Welw. ex Carriere also known as Sansevieria cylindrica from the Genus Dracaena, is a decorative plant due to its unique shape. Beside its ornamental value, it is recognized for its ability to eliminate unpleasant odours and absorb air pollutants. In various African and Asian countries, the plant’s leaves and roots have been widely used as traditional medicine to treat an assortment of ailments, including coughs, diarrhoea, hemorrhoids, chickenpox, rheumatism, gynaecological problems, as well as an antiseptic, snake bites, wound healing and refreshing beverage. Previous research showed that leaves and rhizomes of D. angolensis contain bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, saponins, cardenolides, polyphenols, steroids and abamagenin. Therefore, this review aims to provide information on the D. angolensis plant in terms of its distribution, taxonomy, phytochemical content and pharmacological potential. It presents the use of D. angolensis as traditional medicine in various regions as a candidate for natural medicine and identifies the opportunities for its development. Based on pharmacological literature, the plant has the potential as an antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antitoxic agent. However, the literature on its antioxidant and anticancer potential is more extensive than its antibacterial and antitoxic properties. Further research on the pharmacological potential of this plant is necessary and its safety parameters need to be research in greater detail.
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- 02-10-2023 (2)
- 11-09-2023 (1)
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