The effect of phytohormones on the flowering of plants




flowering time, flower meristem, Arabidopsis thaliana, gibberellin


During the development of angiosperms, one of the most critical stages of plants is the transition from vegetative to reproductive stage, and successfully producing seeds is necessary. Plants have developed a complex signaling pathway to recognize and combine endogenous and environmental signals. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) play a role in regulating flower growth on shoots. Physiological and biochemical processes work together to differentiate and produce flower buds. The impact of PGRs on floral bud differentiation has been the subject of several publications in recent years. In addition, the dynamic variations in gibberellin (GA), auxin, and cytokinin levels in buds and the hormonal-related signatures in gene regulatory networks indicate a crucial function for these hormones during floral bud development in plants. Especially the flowering hormone GA has a key role in regulating the activities related to flowering genes as well as controlling the activity of the DELLA protein. Abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene (ET) have an inhibitory role in flowering but in some cases stimulate flowering depending on environmental conditions. This study aims to understand the regulation of phytohormones on flowering of plants and its effects on plant development during the flowering stage.



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18-09-2023 — Updated on 23-09-2023


How to Cite

Linh Minh Hong Tran. The effect of phytohormones on the flowering of plants. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];10(sp2):138-42. Available from:



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