Bio-efficacies of essential oils against food-borne bacteria
Bioactive compounds, antibacterial, antimicrobial, chemical preservativesAbstract
This review examines the impact of essential oils (EOs) in food manufacturing and their potential as natural preservatives. Food is a substance ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to supply energy to maintain life and stimulate growth. Chemical preservatives like benzoates, nitrites, sulphites, and sorbates added to the processed food items have various side effects on humans. An approach that uses of essential oils (EOs) enhance the shelf-life of the manufactured foods, which have no side effects on the consumer’s health. EOs has shown significant antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects in food industries. Due to their various activities, EOs could be used as alternative preservatives to increase the shelf lives of processed food. Additionally, the use of EOs as natural preservatives aligns with the growing consumer demand for clean label and natural ingredients in food products. The potential applications of EOs in food preservation are wide-ranging, including their use in meat products, bakery products, dairy products, and beverages. Moreover, their effectiveness against a wide range of microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and molds, makes them an attractive option for food preservation. Despite the potential benefits, there are some challenges associated with the use of EOs in food manufacturing. The purpose of this review was to advocate the use of EOs as natural, safe, and eco-friendly preservatives that have the potential to revolutionize the food industry by reducing the use of chemical preservatives and providing consumers with healthier and safer food products.
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- 30-03-2024 (1)
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