Seed priming: An overview of techniques, mechanisms, and applications




Seed, Seed priming, Seed quality, Seedling vigour, Seed germination


Seed priming is a pre-sowing seed treatment method that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to improve seed germination and early seedling growth. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of seed priming techniques, their underlying mechanisms, and diverse applications in crop production during the recent years. The article introduces the concept of seed priming and its importance in optimizing seed performance, discussing various seed priming techniques including osmotic priming, hydro-priming, hormonal priming, and microbial priming. Each technique is described in detail, outlining the specific procedures and conditions involved, and their advantages and limitations are discussed. The underlying mechanisms of seed priming are explored, elucidating the biochemical, physiological, and molecular changes that occur during seed priming, and the interactions between priming substances and seeds. The article also provides an in-depth analysis of the applications of seed priming, discussing its positive effects on seed germination, seedling vigour, stress tolerance, and its potential for sustainable agriculture. This review article serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and faculties working in the field of seed technological research and progressive farmers who can adopt this technology for enhancing crop yield. This article provides insights into the techniques, mechanisms, and applications of seed priming for optimizing seed performance and enhancing crop productivity in diverse agricultural systems.



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10-01-2024 — Updated on 23-01-2024


How to Cite

Amir M, Prasad D, Khan FA, Khan A, Ahmad B, Astha. Seed priming: An overview of techniques, mechanisms, and applications. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];11(1):553-6. Available from:



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