Hydroponic system of cultivation and runner removal enhanced plant growth and yield of strawberry cultivars





biomass, hydroponics, RGR, runner removal, strawberry


Hydroponics is gaining popularity among growers due to changing climatic conditions and the shrinking of resources, particularly land and water. The present study was conducted at SKUAST-K, Shalimar during the months of February to June of 2021 and 2022 to determine the effects of hydroponics and runner removal on plant growth traits of strawberry cultivars with 8 treatment combinations comprised of 3 factors with 2 levels of each viz., variety, growing system and runner removal. The NFT system of hydroponic was used to grow strawberry plants. Treatments were arranged in RCBD with 4 replications. Findings revealed that V2 (Camarosa) had higher plant growth compared to V1 (Sweet Charlie). Significantly higher plant growth was also recorded under a hydroponic system (S2) than a traditional one (S1). Runner removal (R1) additionally benefitted the plant by diverting food energy used in runner growth to the main shoot and resulted in better shoot and root growth. Second-order interaction of treatments further clarified that V2 × S2 × R1 resulted in maximum shoot growth (plant height - 20.15 cm, shoot biomass - 7.20 g/plant and RGR - 0.58 g/g/week) compared to the minimum values of these parameters recorded with V1 × S1 × R0. The highest number of runners (7.92/plant) with maximum runner length (85.32 cm) was recorded with V1 × S1 while their minimum values were evident with V2 × S1. However, V2 × S1 registered the highest fresh weight (6.13 g/plant) and dry weight (0.45 g/plant) of runners along with the number of propagules (6.93/runner) against their minimum values recorded with V1 × S1. V1 × S2 × R1 resulted in the highest number of fruits (23.32/plant), fruit breadth (3.31 cm) and fruit yield (288.00 g/plant) compared to other interactions.


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27-02-2025 — Updated on 07-03-2025


How to Cite

Fayaz S, Khan FA, Chand G, Bhat SA, Narayan S, Mir SA, Kumar A, Gul S, Khan F, Amir M. Hydroponic system of cultivation and runner removal enhanced plant growth and yield of strawberry cultivars. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];12(1). Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/3271



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