Physicochemical characterization of commercially available Dhanwantharam Mezhupakam - An Ayurvedic oil formulation




Chromatogram, Densitometry, Dhanwantharam mezhupakam, Heavy metal, HPTLC, Phytoconstituents


As a neuroprotective and nervine tonic, Dhanwantharam Mezhupakam (DM) is a medicated polyherbal oil formulation made using an Ayurvedic method. It is made by steeping herbs in significant water while simmering Taliam oil for a long time with a paste-like herb mixture. The purpose of the current study was to establish its standard criteria in accordance with the monograph to preserve the product's safety, consistency and quality manufacturing while also determining its heavy metal concentration. Organoleptic assessment, physicochemical evaluation, phytochemical evaluation, chromatographic analysis for active ingredients and heavy metal analysis are some of the formulation-related criteria that are assessed. According to pharmacopeia standards, every metric was examined. According to the study's findings, the formulation was well-standardized in terms of its physical consistency, chemical profile, phytoconstituents and antibacterial properties. Additionally, it was discovered that the sample's heavy metal contents were within WHO and API-acceptable standards.


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31-03-2024 — Updated on 01-10-2024


How to Cite

Thakur M, Kirar A, Tajne T, Thakur kapil S, Mol M, Gupta H. Physicochemical characterization of commercially available Dhanwantharam Mezhupakam - An Ayurvedic oil formulation. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(4). Available from:



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