Effects of integrated nutrient management and fertilizers on the yield of baby corn in Punjab's climatic context
Climate change, chemical fertilizers, soil fertility, agricultural land, integrated nutrient management, green fodder yield, baby cornAbstract
The combined impacts of climate change and increased chemical fertilizer use are diminishing soil fertility, thereby reducing agricultural productivity and farmland yield potential. This study investigates the effect of integrated nutrient management on baby corn. Results showed that the highest cob length (14.28 cm) and green fodder yield (45.56 t ha-1) were achieved using elevated levels of nitrogen (160 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (120 kg ha-1), supplemented with zinc (6 kg ha-1) and Azotobacter. Soil nutrient availability was assessed, indicating that treatment with 160 kg N + 100 kg P + 6 kg Zn + Azotobacter results in available nitrogen levels of 277.2 kg ha-1 and the highest organic carbon content (0.26%). Available phosphorus content (ranging from 24.1 to 24.3 kg P ha-1) is observed with 120 kg P. Nutritional quality parameters were also influenced by nutrient levels, with the treatment of 160 kg N + 120 kg P + 6 kg Zn + Azotobacter showing the highest total soluble solids (11.2% brix) and protein content (17.9%). The treatment of 140 kg N + 100 kg P + 6 kg Zn exhibits the maximum fiber content (26.5%). In summary, the study underscores the positive impact of biofertilizers and zinc on fodder yield and soil properties. Integrating biofertilizers and micronutrients is recommended for sustaining agriculture and maintaining soil health over the long term.
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- 09-05-2024 (1)
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