Soursop (Annona muricata L.) in Indonesia: Biological evaluation, student perspective and internet trends
Annona muricata, antibacterial, internet trends, student perspectives, taxonomyAbstract
The study provided an overview of soursop (Annona muricata L.) in Indonesia, covering taxonomy, phytochemicals, antimicrobial tests, college student perspectives, and internet trends. Taxonomy details were sourced from literature, and herbarium specimens were deposited in the herbaria. Phytochemical compounds were identified using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, while antimicrobial activity was assessed through disc diffusion. Student perspectives were collected via questionnaires, and internet trends were tracked with Google Trends. Data on taxonomy, student perspectives, and internet trends were analyzed descriptively, while experimental data underwent Kruskal-Wallis testing. Soursop, originally from tropical America, was likely introduced to Indonesia before 1884 and is now widespread. Soursop leaf extract exhibited phenol (2554.22 mg/100g), flavonoid (5263.43 mg/100g), and tannin (1469.77 mg/100g) presence. The study demonstrated its potent antimicrobial properties at concentrations of 25%, 40%, 55%, and 70%, with a 6 mm growth inhibition zone. College students at Health Polytechnic of Denpasar identified 42 treatable diseases with soursop, with fidelity levels (FL) ranging from 2.7% to 48.65%. The highest FL was observed for gout. Leaf and fruit parts of soursop are commonly used in traditional medicine. The trend of internet searches regarding the utilization of soursop (January 2011–September 2023) peaked in January 2012 and then declined until 2023, with the majority of searches occurring in central-western Indonesia.
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- 22-10-2024 (1)
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