Taxonomy, traditional uses and biological activity of Ficus carica L. (Moraceae): A review
Ficus carica, antioxidant, antibacterial, plants, medicinal plantsAbstract
Ficus carica L. (Moraceae), a tree native to the tropics and subtropics that has been used traditionally in folk medicine. The crude extracts have been the focus of many studies due to its wide range of biological effects. Even though the species has been the subject of numerous pharmacologically based studies, very few studies have published on their findings. Attempts to bridge this knowledge gap are being made to enhance the species' utility in modern research. The following review looks at all research articles on anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, drugs, antiviral, traditional medicine, ethnopharmacology, toxicity, and cytotoxic activity. Therapeutically, some of the more fascinating impacts are on cancer prevention, liver diseases, blood sugar and antimicrobial activity. While the leaves, fruits and latex of the F. carica plant have been the primary focus of biological research, the stem and roots have got almost minimal attention. The results of this investigation indicate that extracts from all parts of F. carica are non-toxic. However, further well-planned clinical trials are required to confirm preclinical findings because the safety and effectiveness of F. carica have not been fully evaluated in humans. It is important to investigate the extract's mechanism of action. Establishing the standard dose and safety is necessary.
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